
YOU. (Part 2)

                    You're looking but not seeing. You're hearing yet not listening.                                        You're breathing, though barely alive. Would it be too childish to consider an oblivious person’s ignorance rational? Or is there a different story to it? But then again, they say ‘ignorance is a bliss’. Or is it really? Well, apparently in human history there hasn’t been much progress regarding the philosophy of an oblivious mind’s ignorance and a rational mind’s oblivion. It is what people call being physically present but then again emotionally elsewhere. It is never an easy feat to be in a situation where oblivion is the key to survival.

ME. (Part 1)

                    Loveless. Spineless, passionless. Uneven, unstable, unacquired. All the activism couldn't possibly outrun the passivity. The void of emptiness is the highest level of loneliness that makes the one suffering love the rendezvous of their own darkness. And the triumph is greater than elsewhere. No matter how persuasive innocence - ever so attracting yet too deceiving - one can never elope the endeavours of solitude. It is fascinating to read their eyes showing frustrations towards their own countless efforts to gain such a blessing. By one's lonesome, it is understandable for them to comprehend their solitary to be another's greatest exploit and their own lowest remorse.

A New Start...

There’s always a part of us which is bad and a part which is good. The part of us we call ‘bad’ it isn’t bad. It’s just the not good or unpleasant things you have done in your unconsciousness and consciousness. You get time to get along with your past to your present and take a look at your future. There is no way you could neglect your past and move on. It is a history of yours which you explore to chase around the deeds of yours which weren’t pleasant and search for the remedies you can apply on to get over them, because chasing around the past and getting no point to conclude is meaningless you can’t just stick on a page and read it over and over to get nothing. Sometimes the turning of the page is the best feeling when you realize that you have been wasting the time on a page which wasn’t worth than reading the others would cost.


Bullying is an act of aggression and an unwanted behavior that involves intimidating or physically harming the other person. When it comes to cyber bullying, the social media is involved, including Facebook, twitter, etc., which becomes a mean of such offensive behavior that could cause self destruction in one's’ life. This act has been affecting the lives almost everyday. It is observed that the predominant age range goes from nine to sixteen, most of them being girls. Can you imagine a nine year old boy or girl being socially harassed almost everyday? This really is devastating. Over the years the figures have been increased to one million children being bullied on social media. That’s an awful lot of kids. Cyber bullying can lead to anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts. Once things are posted on the Internet, they are there forever. Most of the bullying is done via instant messaging. It is proven by statistics that cyber bullying decreases kid’s self-esteem. Se...


True that we never get to see what our fate is, beforehand. That’s the thing about being a part of such a past with overly dramatic stories that are tend to be called ‘History’, which repeats itself. Well, that's what it is all about. Why? How? When? Where? What? This is all that comes to our thick skulls whenever encountered with the word ‘History’ or better yet, past. But it's not just limited to the extend of these W, H questions, rather it is much more than this. It is something that’s written in our fates, long ago. Though we never got to write or decide our providence, however we to get the power to cage them with our deeds. The ‘HISTORIES’ we come across are simply those changes that are made by the ones who are audacious enough to convey such things to the audience, better yet the leaders, about the inconvenience among the people they rule. It not only transmutes the person’s life, howbeit the lives of the ones those whom the...

Article Review

The article “Quality Integrated Education” is written by William Brazziel. William Brazziel had a question in his mind that how schools of integrated communities would match or even approach the records set  by the schools those have segregated themselves in a community. The question arose from the fact that to be able to build a truly integrated society, one must eliminate the plague of moral confusion that generates cynicism, contam for values in powered by elders, drug abuse other ills, we see about us which so happens to be segregated schools or poorly integrated schools. Such an example was that Madison High School in Brookline which was located in the most liberal communities in the country. Needless to say the Madison High was the only school in such a disaster state, running on unwritten rules such as the idol rational balance on white and black students was 3-1, classifying the students on IQ test scores, keeping them on the same track throughout their school...

Finding Me...

At this stage when I’m in the senior year of my school. I have always thought of the days as a junior and back to my first day in school. Each event, each day comes into my mind in a sequence just like a movie where I could see myself in a way that others saw me. Every time I got happy just likes every other child of my age, I jumped up and down, laughed and unknowing hugged my friends in school. But now when I see myself in a mirror, I begin to smile at my reflection and my sight catches the best moments where I used to be me. All of my childhood and even now I’m always off-guarded and felt like scared whenever there’s a chance of getting along with the public and speak up. I have always hesitated in the opportunities where I have chance to expose my ability, to expose myself. That’s when I get a lot more discouraged by own self that haunts me every time. But now I’m getting pretty strong to get my inner side to be shown to people who think that I’m ...